3 Things To Do To Optimize Oral Health

Do you want to get healthier teeth? These days, it’s important to have good oral health to avoid emergency trips to the dentist. It all starts with home care. If you know how to take good care of your teeth while at home, you should be able to keep your oral health in good condition.
Here are some of the things that you can do:
  1. Improve your dental care routine
Use a timer to make sure that you brush your teeth for two minutes. If you hurry up in brushing your teeth, you might not effectively clean its surface, which can cause biofilm to develop. Use a good toothpaste that can also care for your gums and has a whitening effect. 
Don’t forget to floss your teeth as well. A lot of people forget to floss their teeth or even think it’s not a necessary oral care step. However, this will help get rid of food residues in between the teeth.
  1. Eat foods that are good for your teeth
Be more mindful of what you eat. Crunchy fruits like apples and pears are good for your teeth because they have a natural cleansing effect. You should also eat dairy foods to strengthen your teeth and fruits for improved gum health.
  1. Try the tongue scraping method
Bacteria grow on your tongue because there are a lot of food residues there that are not completely removed when you brush your teeth. Using a tongue scraper will help get rid of them. It will even make your breath fresher for a longer time.
Don’t forget to visit your dentist in Colwood two times a year. Get a professional dental cleaning session from your dentist in Colwood like Urban Smiles Colwood even if you don’t see plaque and tartar formation.
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